Thursday, April 15, 2010

Don't speak unless it improves upon silence

I met him at a function.  He said he needed head shots.  We exchanged business cards, a few emails and voila,  one week later i'm driving downtown to the old 9:30 club .Suh-weet!  I've always wanted a look inside.

cue music...the more string instruments the betta...

I remember when that building was just a shell of a space, windows were non-existent, its gut was filled with bricks, dust and wires...  Now, it's anything but ... and as a result,  I found myself nervous. The new space was 'that'  swank and the part of the building i was being lead too was even 'swankier'.

They had complimentary coffee; it was delicious.  I nervously sipped it while trying not to notice everyone  was wearing the same muted tones: blue, black or grey.  And, well, let's just say (thanks to my slight obsession with Anthropologie) I wasn't.

Drat and gulp...

His assistant promptly meet me downstairs and was kind enough to show me around upstairs.  The space was really impressive - it spoke nothing of the non-profit world of which i hailed, you know cutting-edge-on-a-budget.  No, this was quiet luxury, well lit offices,  dark paneled sitting area, rooms with row-upon-row of leather-bound legal volumes... the natural light pouring in from the windows was insane.

Mr. Morgan came straight from a meeting;
Poised and present in a very personal yet extremely professional way;

His time was tightly scheduled so I had time but not in a leisurely kind of way;
I arrived early to scope out the rooms with the best light;
Much to my delight, Marc Morgan was a wonderful person with a remarkable personality.
Capturing one's natural essence while celebrating life's events is what i do and i sincerely appreciate Marc Morgan for thinking and trusting me to capture this particular moment of his life.

Until next time...

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