Friday, July 30, 2010

Optimism & Certainty

exercise hope
rather than doubt...
... it is all good
of this we can be sure.

Until next time,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Makes me wanna holla...

I love the unexpected.  Its rare that when it arrives at my doorstep unmeasurable joy isn't a part of it's appearance.  Such was my experience while shooting the festivities at Local 16.

The vibe was super festive as guests: friends, co-workers and family arrived. 
   Food was plentiful.  The bar, open. 

The setting and mood matched the light pouring in from the windows:
natural and gorgeous. 

Laughter punctuated the air, 
 fingers snapped and an occasional holla escaped as the 'right' song
  inspired backs to sway and hips to shake... watch out there now...
makes me wanna holla
forty is so the new thirty
 when you do your thang...
When you celebrate your life. 
It gives others the permission to do the same.

Until next time...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just do it; don't think

It was the end of the shoot.  He was unraveling himself from a move.  Up, over and around.  "Can you balance on one hand?"  It was out  of my mouth before i could stop myself.   His response was immediate,"I don't know.  Let me see..."
when was the last time
you did something for the first time

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010


"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. 
But in practice, there is."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Call

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions,
 and without becoming disillusioned."

Until next time...

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19th

Before you 
the date meant nothing 
and now,
it means everything.
Happy b-day! 
sweet 'Sol' shine 
'o mine
forever grateful,
my Soul just,

until next time....

Sunday, July 18, 2010



But start slowly,
because direction
is more important
 than speed.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Snip, snap, snout...

I've recently started a photography class. And, love it!   We have assignments, which i call directives, because, well...why not?   So far, it's been super fun, interesting and educational. Here are some of my favorite shots, so far...

It's a trip photographing people.  I've learned to read people pretty quickly - either they mind having their picture taken or they don't.  If they do mind, i don't bother.  But if they don't - It can be magic. 

Besides, this give me a bon-e-fide reason to people stare and stare and ....snap!

Until next time,

Monday, July 12, 2010


I had a totally different post planned for today.  It was written, edited and ready for posting and....i lost.  Yup!  Poof!  It's gone. Vanished off into la-la-land.  So, here is the post i had planned for Wednesday.

I was on my way to a shoot (i'll blog about it tomorrow blasted computer...i'm sure it wasn't something i did...)  I turned the corner to park, and there it was - my work.  Gasp and gulp! Zip and zing...what a tripp-y but thrilling experience to experience. 

When you get a chance, drive by the Convention Center and check out the entire installation - it's pretty amazing.

Lastly, as i walked away, off to shoot a 40th birthday party, I became unmistakeably aware of three things: amazement, gratitude and appreciation.  Life is good indeed...
Until next time...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Forty and Fabulous

Kaya wrote this quote for me, about me, about 5 years ago.
" Beverlie's work is stunning.  Her eye for composition and her ability to capture people at precious and genuine moments is incredible.  Whether she knows it or not, she is now the official photographer for all my events."

Kaya Henderson
VP of Strategic Partnerships The New Teachers Project

Which leads me to talk about one of my biggest personal compliments - when a friend supports my dream turned business and contributes to my growth and success  by becoming a client.  And, what takes that compliment and turns it into a full blown heart-shine-spasm is: the rebook.  When that friend, turned client, calls me again and again and again, because not only do they know and love me they now know and love my work, too.

That's Kaya.  I've known her for awhile now.  And, really - she hasn't changed.  I mean it been a good 10+ years and we are all a little bit older and wiser but definitely, she is someone who didn't really change over the years but, just, became a stronger, truer versions of themselves.

She still has one of the most photogenic faces ever, loves to throw a good party and be surrounded by her good friends and family, drink a well-mixed cocktail and dance the night away to a slammin beat produced by the fantastic DJ Stylus

Oh, whaaaat a niiiight....

The venue was stunning.  One of those art galleries with spectacular light, tall ceilings, and textured open spaces.  Thanks to the lovely ladies of Bravo! Events by Design,  the decorations were lovely, creative and visually engaging; the food plentiful and delicious.

Everyone was in attendance from the matriarch of the family to DC educational dignitaries to life-long-forever-friends.  The theme was summer chic...  
 and everyone arrived looking chic-tastic
As i reflect on what was one fantabulous evening/party, i can't help but feel really proud of Kaya for allowing herself to enjoy and celebrate what is a natural process of life.  We age.  Every year, if we are lucky, we get one year older.  And, instead of running from what is a gift - the breath of life.  She created a moment:
Yes, i am forty.  I am fabulous.
 Won't you laugh with me,
and perhaps dance
  until your
knees ache. 

"Pretty fades but fly is timeless"

 And, yes, i did just quote a tv commercial...

Until next time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Capable & Willing


if we did all the things 
we are capable of doing, 

we would literally astonish ourselves.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010