Monday, January 3, 2011

Now is new

"Later lasts much longer than now, you know..." she said.  Like a deer in headlights, i slow nod my agreement.  "You're right, i say."  It really does...

As a longtime procrastinator (don't know how i got through college) i'm determined to break my love for later.  Yes, i know that it doesn't really exist but i depend on 'later' a lot.  As in, " I'll do it later."  Days, weeks, months go by and get lost in the land of later...

With a new year comes a call for a new attitude and so now is my new.  Couple that internal call with a chat i had with my son's school psychologist, and well this blog was born.


Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Most of us like to think we are in control of our lives, from how happy we feel, to the way we relate. But ever so often other people may
    be having a far bigger impact on our decisions than we realise.
