Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't look at the scoreboard - just play the game.

Recently I've noticed a consistent theme running through the conversations of my wonderful, spectacular, extraordinarily talented, over-thirty friends - we are all pooped.  Cross-eyed worn-out.  Bone-tired...exhausted.  And, the sobering (almost certainly 'maturing') realization is -  there's no real end in sight.  
Cringe and gulp... 
"Don't look at the scoreboard - just play the game"- Drew Brees
We all watched Superbowl 2010 or at least can say the New Orleans Saints were the victors...right?!  One evening while on the phone with my sister, she told me the story of Drew Brees  She ended with the story i'm going to tell in first person because it presents better that way...or at least i think so.   

One evening while flipping through the channels i tuned into David Letterman -  Drew Bree's was the guest.  "How do you handle the stress of a big game?", David Letterman asked.  Drew's response created a new life strategy for me:  When i'm playing I don't look at the scoreboard to tell me what to do -  i just play the game.

I never knew i was such a score keeper until i tried to play the game (live)and not look at the scoreboard (who was or wasn't doing what)...try it for a week and see how you fair.  It ain't easy...but it is important.

until next time...b

keep the sun in your eyes


1 comment:

  1. On the exact same line... this is what I watched tonight:

    18 minutes made of win.
    Cynthia ♥
