When i was young(er) I used to love MTV. Now, not so much. Bah-humbug! Too much reality and not enough tv. Music? Fuhgeddaboudit. Videos? Puh-leeease. Besides, who has the time...? Anyway, my point. And yes, i do have one. The older i become the more i love a good cliche. Why? Because sometimes cliches are true and the really good ones. Well, the really good ones are witty, honest and steadfastly, true. In this case, this cliche is definitely true. You see, back-in-the-day, there was a popular show on MTV called, Diary. The tag was, "You think you know but you have NO idea". That's how i would describe the events of this photo shoot - the day was full of unimaginable mayhem, uncontrollable belly-aching laughter and an undeniable love that was unwaveringly present no matter what...
Here's the photo diary of 4 Neill boys and a Lady...
I remember when his I consisted of only him
and then he met her
(what a trooper, you would never know this shot was taken between quick nose swipes and three kids climbing on her back)
and his i became a we
together they had

and little P
4 Neill boys and a Lady
4 Neill boys and a Lady
Until next time....b.